Draft Five

For some reason writing has taken a back seat in my life this year. I teach an after-school writing class and I love creating new ways to engage my class in creative writing. But when I get home I do not write much. I go in spurts. I spend six hours writing on a Saturday and then do not touch my work for weeks. I’m not sure what my problem is. Although there hasn’t been consistent writing, I am on draft five of The Jade Serpent. Through SCBWI, I joined a critique carousel, only to come down with the flu right before and was unable to attend.  I am excited to be going to the SCBWI conference on April 1st and thus am determined to have the book fully edited and flushed out by then so that I can show it to agents if possible.

So my goal by April 1:

  1. Rework one more time
  2. Go through AutoCrit editing software one more time
  3. Complete 5 illustrations

I think it is doable.

How’s your writing coming along?
