Book 2 Working Title: The Jade Serpent

There is one lonely coffee shop in Gallup, New Mexico and it isn’t open on Sundays.  So Saturdays are my prime, out-of-the-house writing days at the aptly called “Coffee House.”  And today was a great writing day!

Although I only wrote one chapter, it is feeling good.  I really want to bring more emotion, more depth of adventure, more purpose to this book.  Although Titanus and Koen haven’t even started searching for the lost (or rather stolen) treasure yet, they have already had two major incidents to overcome.  I like it.  Fun.

Oh and for this book we are in the northern part of Guatemala where the Mayan Empire reigned for over 3000 years!  I used to live in this part of Guatemala and still feel it is where my adventurous heart got its foot in the jungle, so-to-speak.

And I have a working title: The Jade Serpent – what do you think?

~ A happy writer!  Gretchen

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